Student Solution


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Psychology, Gender and Culture_Whose relationships are closer

Psychology, Gender and Culture_Whose relationships are closer

Q Whose relationships are closer: men's or women's? Why?Men are more attracted to partners' based on physical attraction and women are more attracted to partners based on their earning potential.What are some of the reasons that women report more pain then men?

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If we consider relationships in its true sense, then they will be based on emotions. Usually, women complain about men being sensitive. The problem is based on perception and needs. Men usually want more expression of feelings, sharing, doing things, helping, etc. Men think of love in a more external and expressive manner. In any form of relationship, they find more expression through activity; doing and they think all others want the same. So, at the time of expressing love, they do the same. They try to express love, through expensive, gifts and at least they think that they can do toiling the loved ones that will make them happy (Mirzaali et al, 2016).